Via dell’Impero

The birth of a road
23/07 - 20/09/2009
Musei Capitolini,
Palazzo Caffarelli

Paintings, watercolours and drawings from the Museum of Rome and the Municipal Committee for the City's Photographic Archives, responsible for the prints and photographs it holds, illustrate the demolition of the historic centre of Rome that took place between 1920 and 1940 in this exhibition featuring some of the items found during the digging carried out throughout those years and that date back to both Ancient times and the Renaissance period.

The demolition of extensive areas of the historic centre in Rome between 1920 and 1940 were part of a considered political policy of the day that led to a formal City Planning Scheme laid down in 1931.
Thanks to the many works provided by the Museum of Rome and the Committee for the City's Photographic Archives, the exhibition sets out to portray the intensive and frenetic pace at which the demolition tool place and the efforts made to strike a balance between the desire to push the work forward as quickly as possible and that to record and document all that was being destroyed in the process.
The items on display that date to both the Ancient Roman and Renaissance periods, represent a fraction of all that was uncovered as buildings came down and foundations excavated, and which tell the tale of more than two thousand years of the history of Rome.


Musei Capitolini
, Palazzo Caffarelli
Opening hours

Tuesday-Sunday 9.00am-8.00pm - the ticket office closes an hour in advance
Closed Monday

Entrance ticket

Integrated Ticket, which includes entry to the Capitoline Museums and the Exhibition:
Full price: € 8.00, Reduced Rate: € 6.00
Ticket for exhibition only:
Full price: € 4.00, Reduced rate: € 2.00
Free entry to all those eligible under current regulations.
Tickets and reservations


Tel. 060608 (every day 9.00am - 9.00pm)

Web site
Promossa e curata da: Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali del Comune di Roma - Organizzazione e Servizi MusealiZètema Progetto Cultura
Sponsored by

Banche Tesoriere del Comune di Roma: BNL, UniCredit Banca di Roma, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Vodafone

With technical contributions from

Repubblica, Carrier, Toshiba, Travis



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