To the Memory of War - Musical readings

Readings and music at the event “Roma in Scena. L'autunno”
The plot of the show is a mixture between war, peace, love and death.
Among the authors quoted are Ungaretti, Neruda, Levi, Celan, Vittoriani and Elsa Morante.
With Massimo Wertmuller and Anna Ferruzzo; original live music by Andrea Farri.
“Perché l’orrore non torni a ripetersi con altri popoli e con altre genti, dunque la violenza dell’uomo sull’uomo è una lezione da tenere a memoria” (Violence by man against man is a lesson to be remembered so that the horror is not repeated among other populations and by other people).
This is the admonishment and the actual meaning of the recital which borrows thoughts on war by great authors and poets such as: Brecht, Neruda, Quasimodo, Ungaretti, Hikmet and Morante. It also includes the terribile testimonies of those who survived the Nazi extermination, from Levi to Celan. The plot contains a necessary and difficult blending of good and bad, war and peace, love and death.
“Non possiamo vivere coscientemente e pienamente il nostro presente e il nostro futuro se dimentichiamo il nostro passato. Non c’è progresso se non consideriamo da dove veniamo e potremmo ripetere certi errori se non conosciamo la storia di cui siamo figli” (We cannot live our present and future consciously and fully if we forget our past. There is no progress if we do not consider where we come from and we may repeat some mistakes if we do not know the history that has borne us).
The rigorous interpretation of Massimo Wertmuller and Anna Ferruzzo, in a 60-minute reading, will be accompanied by original music by Andrea Farri.
The historical and human story and the terrifying depositions of men who survived the Nazi extermination are a valid warning that such things must not be forgotten and that we must recover our present through the history of those who “survived”.
“Perché nella storia la violenza dell’uomo sull’uomo è una lezione da tenere per sempre…A Memoria” (Because in history violence by man against man is a lesson that must always be kept in mind…in our Memory).
Art Directors: Stefano Caponi and Gino Auriuso
ore 21.00
Free entrance until sold out.
Telephone booking is advised: 060608 (every day from 09:00-21:00 hrs)
060608 (every day from 09:00-21:00 hrs)