Raffaello, Parmigianino and Barocci

Metaphors of the Gaze
02/10/2015 - 24/01/2016
Musei Capitolini

The exhibition Raffaello Parmigianino Barocci. Metaphors of the Gaze compares the art of Francesco Mazzola, known as Parmigianino, and Federico Fiori, also known as Il Barocci, two artists who lived at different times, with the work of Raphael.

For different reasons, they are considered heirs of the great artist coming from Urbino; both lived in Rome, which influenced their artistic style and exposed them to Raphael's more experimental approach. These researches find a very good conceptual and aesthetic expression in graphics.

For this reason, the exhibition presents, not only pictures, etchings and light and shade effects, but also some paintings and some old reliefs. 

Part of the exhibition are guided tours and educational workshops for school groups and for general visitors.
Info and booking at +39 060608.


Musei Capitolini
Opening hours

2 October 2015-24 January 2016
Every day, h. 9.30-19.30;
24 and 31 December h 9.30 - 14.00
Last admission 1 hour before closing time.

Closed: December 25 and January 1

N.B For eventual openings/closures please visit the page dedicated to the announcements

Entrance ticket

Every first Sunday of the month free admission, except for the Ara Pacis new exhibition space, for residents in Rome and in the metropolitan city area. 

Museum + Exhibition (“Raffaello Parmigianino Barocci. Metaphors of the Gaze - 2.10.2015-24.1.2016) Combined Ticket: 
Adults: € 15,00;
Concessions: € 13,00;
Ridottissimo special price: € 2,00*;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID): 
Adults: € 13,00;
Concessions: € 11,00;
Ridottissimo special price: € 2,00*;
* Please note: According to the Municipal by-law, due to the exceptionality of the exhibition, people usually entitled to free admission must purchase a € 2,00 concessionary ticket.
However, free admission is granted to children under 6 years, groups of elementary and (lower) middle schools, to visitors with disabilities and a family member or a carer who can prove that they belong to social and health care services, and RomaPass holders (if used to access the first 2 sites).

Capitolini Card (valid 7 days) "Capitoline Museums + Centrale Montemartini + Exhibition (“Raffaello Parmigianino Barocci- Methaphors of the gaze - 2.10.2015-24.1.2016)" Combined Ticket: 
Adults: € 16,00;
Concessions: € 14,00; 
Roman Citizens only (by showing a vaild ID): 
Adults: € 15,00;
Concessions: € 13,00;

Concessions and Free Admission: Conditions

Tickets can be purchased with also credit cards and ATM.



Online tickets
Just show your printed receipt at turnstiles of the Capitoline Museums and the Ara Pacis Museum; no need to go to the ticket office.

Audio guides in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish: € 5,00;
Audio guides for children in Italian and English (recommended age: 6-12 years): € 4,00.


+39 060608 (every day, h. 9.00-21.00)

Exhibition|Modern Art
Other information

The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, the Assessorato alla Cultura e allo Sport, the Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali, the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi

Associazione Culturale Metamorfosi, Zètema Progetto Cultura

Official Sponsor
Listone Giordano

In cooperation with
MasterCard Priceless Rome

With the technical support of
ATAC, Montenovi, Rotas- Casa di brokeraggio Assicurativo

Media Partner

Surveillance  Services
Travis Group Security S.r.l

Web site


Barocci, Il Riposo dopo la Fuga in Egitto
Barocci, Il Riposo dopo la Fuga in Egitto
Barocci, Il Riposo dopo la Fuga in Egitto
Barocci, Il Riposo dopo la Fuga in Egitto

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