Visea, storia di un affresco

From 15 December 2021, the Musei Capitolini are hosting the 'Visea' project, an innovative multimedia app that explains the art of fresco painting. The sequence of execution of the mural painting sequence executed by the painter Tommaso Laureti in the Sala dei Capitani in the Palazzo dei Conservatori of the Musei Capitolini is brought to life through an innovative multimedia application that makes it possible to retrace the entire execution process.
The project, created within the framework of the POR/FESR 2014-2020 Regione Lazio "L'impresa fa cultura" 2019 Call for Proposals and promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, was conceived by the CBC Conservazione Beni Culturali Soc. - Nergal Consulting Srl - Xtrust Srl, in partnership with the Musei Capitolini selected as a " Luogo della Cultura". Museum services Zètema Progetto Cultura.
The frescoes, commissioned by the Magistratura Capitolina and painted between 1587 and 1594, depict some of the most famous episodes in the history of ancient Rome taken from the work of Tito Livio 'Ab Urbe Condita' and understood as exempla virtutis of the Roman people.
Visitors can explore the scenes on the four walls (the Giustizia di Bruto, Orazio Coclite at the Ponte Sublicio, Muzio Scevola davanti a Porsenna and the Battaglia presso il Lago Regillo) to discover the chronological sequence of the frescoes' execution, retrace the successive days of work, the groups of paintings created during the days of work, and grasp the technical methods used by the artist to go from a drawing on paper to plaster, as well as his processes in painting and his rethinking.
Through an advanced application on a natural user interface, with multimedia storytelling (images and text) accompanying the dynamic animation, one receives textual insights into the painting technique, the main characters depicted, and how over time the Hall, already known as the salotto degli Imperatori, was enriched with monuments, statues and inscriptions.
In addition to the innovative content, the project combines state-of-the-art technology that takes into account the epidemiological emergency from Covid 19. Unlike touch-screen totems, the progetto Visea is in fact installed on a totem that works in touch-less mode. This is a software designed by the authors of the project in agreement with the Direction of the Capitoline Museums that allows information to be called up with just the movement of the index finger (Air Push).
The new prototype, available to visitors in two languages, Italian and English, is a tool that allows users to enjoy this important new cultural offering in complete safety.
From 15 December 2021
Daily 9.30 - 19.30
24th and 31st December from 9.30 to 14.00
Last admission one hour before closing
Closing days
1 January, 1 May and 25 December
Before planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES
Access to the exhibition is granted to holders of a ticket according to the current rates
Free admission with MIC card
Call. 060608 (every day 9.00 - 19.00)