The Age of Balance

On display at the Capitoline Museums the third installment of the "The Days of Rome" cycle, a major exhibition of ancient Roman art, the golden age of the Roman Empire.
“L’Età dell’Equilibrio. Traiano, Adriano, Antonino Pio, Marco Aurelio” (The Age of Balance. Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius), under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, is the third installment of the “I Giorni di Roma” (The Days of Rome) cycle, a five year exhibition project dedicated to the timeless story of Rome, from the Republican Era to Late Antiquity.
The exhibition aims to broaden the understanding of a historical period – 98 – 180 A.D., between the reigns of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius – of grand artistic splendor, during which a rare social and political equilibrium was reached between Rome and its provinces.
Imposing marbles statues, refined works in bronze and terracotta, entire sculptural cycles, domestic décor in bronze and silver of the highest stylistic value, will tell the story of the era of “consensus” amongst the ruling class – government, senators, emperors, the army – as well as between the imperial administration and the provincial elite, an epochal phenomenon for the foundation of Western culture.
The exhibition is curated by Eugenio La Rocca and Claudio Parisi Presicce. The event is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico - Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali and by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, and is organized by Zètema Progetto Cultura and MondoMostre.
Tuesday-Sunday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm;
Last admission 1 hour before closing time;
Closing days: Monday; 24, 25 and 31 December; 1 January; 1 May.
"Museum + Exhibition" Combined Ticket:
- Adults: € 12,00;
- Concessions: € 10,00;
- Ridottissimo special price: € 2,00*;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a vaild ID):
- Adults: € 11,00;
- Concessions: € 9,00;
- Ridottissimo special price: € 2,00*;
"Capitoline Museums + Centrale Montemartini + Exhibition" Combined Ticket (valid for 7 days):
- Adults: € 14,00;
- Concessions: € 12,00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a vaild ID):
- Adults: € 13,00;
- Concessions: € 11,00;
* Please note: According to the Municipal by-law, due to the exceptionality of the exhibition, people usually entitled to free admission must purchase a € 2,00 concessionary ticket.
In case of cultural events the price of the tickets may vary.
current exhibitions
Booking: +39 060608 (daily, from 9:00– 21:00).
Groups: (max 30 visitors): A booking service (without guided tour) is available for groups, for an additional fee of € 25,00. The booking fee does not include the cost of the museum entrance tickets. Guided tours are also available either for the museum and/or exhibition: admission tickets and booking fee are required.
Educational resources for all
Schools (max 30 pupils/students): advance booking is required for the admission.
Guided tours are available (advance booking is required).
Didactic program for schools
At the Capitoline Museums, during some exhibitions, students usually entitled to free admission must purchase a € 2,00 concessionary ticket.Free admission is granted only to children under 6 years old, elementary and junior high schools, EU visitors with disabilities and a family member or a carer employed in social and health care services
Booking for individual visitors is available only when purchasing online tickets. If you book in advance you can skip the line by going directly to the
ticket window.
Info: tel. +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm).
Additional booking fee: € 1,00.
Banche Tesoriere di Roma Capitale: BNL – BNP Paribas, UniCredit, Monte dei Paschi di Siena
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