La bellezza ritrovata

The works of art and archaeological artifacts exhibited are some examples of the many assets that the TPC Command Center has recovered over the years.
Our artistic heritage is continually subjected to theft, vandalism and damage as a result of natural disasters, but also due to willful human actions. Yet thanks to the same willful determination, to people’s commitment to recreating and rebuilding, art that has been denied, demeaned or obliterated, can rise like a phoenix from the rubble to reveal itself once again.
This is the theme of the exhibition, which is divided into three illustrative sections. The first is dedicated to the recovery and protection activities carried out by the Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. It starts with two extraordinary archaeological finds, a Lucanian krater dated to the 5th-4th century BC and an Etruscan black-figure hydria from the 6th century, both the result of brilliant recovery operations carried out by the Operations Center
Gangemi Editore
June, 2 - December, 05, 2017
Open daily, from 9.30 to 19.30.
Last admission 1 hour before closing time
N.B For eventual openings/closures please visit the page dedicated to the announcements
Every first Sunday of the month free admission for residents in Rome and in the metropolitan city area.
Regular Fees including the exhibition "La bellezza ritrovata. Arte negata e riconquistata in mostra, 02.06-05.12.2017":
Adults: € 15,00
Concessions: € 13,00
Ridottissimo special price: € 2,00*
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID):
Adults: € 13,00;
Concessions: € 11,00;
Ridottissimo special price: € 2,00*
* Please note: According to the Municipal by-law, due to the exceptionality of the exhibition, people usually entitled to free admission must purchase a € 2,00 concessionary ticket.
However, free admission is granted to children under 6 years, groups of elementary and (lower) middle schools, to visitors with disabilities and a family member or a carer who can prove that they belong to social and health care services.
Capitolini Card (valid 7 days) "Capitoline Museums + Centrale Montemartini + exhibitions "La bellezza ritrovata. Arte negata e riconquistata in mostra, 02.06-05.12.2017", "Freedom manifesto, 28.9-31.12.2017" combined ticket:
Adults: € 16,00;
Concessions: € 14,00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a vaild ID):
Adults: € 15,00;
Concessions: € 13,00;
Tickets can be purchased with also credit cards and ATM.
Online tickets
Just show your printed receipt at turnstiles of the Capitoline Museums and the Ara Pacis Museum; no need to go to the ticket office.
Audio and video guides
Video guides in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian: € 6.00;
Audio guides for children (recommended age: 6-12 years) in Italian and English: € 4,00.
+39 060608 (every day from 9:00 to 19:00)
Promoted by
Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Ideata e organizzata da
Centro Europeo per il Turismo e la Cultura presieduto da Giuseppe Lepore
In cooperation with
MasterCard Priceless Rome
Security service
Travis Group
Organized by
Zètema Progetto Cultura
With the technical support of
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
Media partner
Il Messaggero