Foto in Comune
"Foto in Comune" is the online photographic image archive whose photographic and copyright belong at the Sovrintendenza di Roma Capitale.

The management of this archive and of the online image marketing service, commissioned at Zètema Progetto Cultura, is directed at the production of an income that will be used for the promotion of the cultural heritage.
Through the website specified here, the users can access the photographic archives of the System of Museums in the City of Rome and purchase online one or more digital images and the relative reproduction rights.
The images are available on payment for professional and commercial use.
On the website there are about 2,100 images, provided in JPG format, referring to the complete collection of the Museums of the Civic Museum Network of Rome. The archive will be enriched with new photographs in a gradual process.
To see the images archived on Foto in Comune is not necessary the registration, but it is necessary to register, free of charge, to purchase one or more images.