Colossal statue restored as Oceanus: Marforio

The deity, with thick hair and beard, is depicted semi-nude, with a cloak covering part of one shoulder and his legs. Due to the lack of specific attributes, it is difficult to identify a specific river: the Rhine, the Nilo, the Tevere or, more likely, the Oceano have been thought of.
Known as Marforio, it is one of the six 'talking statues' of Rome, together with Pasquino, Abate Luigi, Babuino, Madama Lucrezia and the so-called Statua del Facchino: on the body of these statues were affixed violent and anonymous satires in verse addressed to the characters in vogue in 14th and 15th century Rome, as an expression of popular discontent with the upper class that held power and control of the city.
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
The large central niche in the end wall features a large fountain with the colossal statue of a River god, known as Marforio.
The three large grey granite pillars with a relief frieze portraying Egyptian high priests originate from the sanctuary of Isis and Serapis in the Campus Martius.