Epigraph commemorating the discovery of the fragments of the Colossus of Constantine

@Musei Capitolini/foto Zeno Colantoni
Material and technique: 
Altezza: 189 cm. Larghezza: 85 cm.
EM 216

caput ex collosso com / modi ant aug alt tricenum / cubitum inter ruinas tem / pli pacis in multa frusta re / perto conspiciendum coser / vatores urb ro heic iusser / Bapt Darchi et / Evangelista de Rubeis / gen d la par.

I Conservatori della città di Roma, Battista Darchi oni ] ed Evangelista De Rossi (1486) hanno ordinato di che fosse collocata qui, per essere vista, la testa del colosso di Commodo Antonino Augusto, alta trenta cubiti, rinvenuta tra le rovine del tempio della pace in molti frammenti.

The inscription commemorates the discovery of fragments of a colossal statue - recognised at the time as depicting the Emperor Commodus - in the area of the Basilica of Maxentius in the Temple of Peace and their transfer to the Capitoline Hill by the conservators in charge in the year 1486. Above the epigraph are the coats of arms of the Roman Senate, Innocent VIII Cibò and Cardinal Francesco Riario.

The hall

Palazzo dei Conservatori - Cortile

The two porticoes on opposite sides and the large open-air space contain important examples of Roman sculpture. 
On the left we can see remains of the cell decoration from the Temple of the God Hadrian, with reliefs portraying the Provinces of the Roman empire and military trophies. 
Along the righthand wall of the courtyard, containing the embedded remains of three archways belonging to the palazzo's original XV century structure, is a row of fragments from a colossal statue of Constantine from the Basilica of Maxentium.

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